Gumley House School FCJ

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Wellness: Fuel for your Fire

There is a strong and well organised pastoral structure in the school based upon an effective infrastructure and a good communications system. The system of pastoral care begins with the induction process led by the Head of Year for Year 7 and the Year 7 tutors.

The role of the tutor is of the utmost importance and is the first point of contact over any issue (for parents and for staff). Our intention at Gumley is that there is a close and caring relationship between the student and her tutor which will support the student during her life throughout Gumley House.

Regular tutor meetings, documentation of all information, formal and informal discussions, regular one-to-one student profiling, reports and tutor involvement in their form’s tutor programme all go to create the conditions which enable this relationship to flourish.  The Head of Year oversees the whole process and is the next point of contact after the tutor.

We also understand and value the contribution that parents and carers give to this relationship and we wish to work in partnership and in cooperation with parents and carers so that students feel supported and valued in their school life.

As well as the support and guidance provided by the tutor, Year Head and parents there are a number of outside agencies that we liaise with to support the pastoral work in school as detailed below:

Do you have any concerns?
Speak to your Form Tutor who will make sure you are fully supported.  If you don't feel able to so this - then any member of the pastoral team is available for you.  Do not hesitate in asking for help or informing us of your concern.  We have a very trained team who will make sure you are supported and assisted. 

The NSPCC helpline is also open, and the number is 0800 1111.  This is available 24 hours a day.
They also offer a helpline for victims of sexual abuse with appropriate support and advice. They can be contacted on 0800 136 663.  The helpline is free and anonymous and is open Monday to Friday 8am – 10pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am – 6pm.

If you want to make an anonymous report to the police about any crime, you can do so via Fearless – which is the young person friendly version of Crime Stoppers. 

Counselling at Gumley:
To support our students, we have a counsellor available for students to speak to.  Students are able to access this service by contacting a member of the Pastoral Team in A01.

You can also access the Hounslow Youth Counselling Service which offers a free 1-2-1 counselling service just for young people. Their service is confidential and anyone aged 11-25 who lives, works or studies in the Borough of Hounslow can self-refer to their service.  Different boroughs will have similar services and our Pastoral Team can support you with this further.  You will also find plenty of self help advice on their website.

Educational Welfare Officer:
We will call on the EWO when there are issues relating to attendance.  There are other specialist adolescent agencies that are also available for us to call on depending on the circumstances and need of individual students.