Gumley House School FCJ

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Dress Code

Role models of Responsibility

We see our sixth formers as role models to the rest of the school and expect the highest standards of conduct and appearance. 

The emphasis on Sixth Form presence is to uphold a smart business style dress and students are expected to comply with this dress code when they are at either Gumley House or in a consortium school. 

What is a Dress Code
A dress code is a set of rules about proper clothing that doesn’t only apply to Sixth Forms. Dress codes can also be for parties, meetings, or any other special event. Appropriate attire is necessary because it’s a way of showing respect to other people and to the vision and reputation of the place you are attending.

It is a privilege to have a reasonable amount of personal choice in the Sixth Form, but students also have a responsibility to dress in a sensible manner. We do not wish to have a long list of rules with specific measurements of clothing, but we have provided some guidance below.  Ultimately, we reserve the right to ask students who we deem to be wearing improper attire to go home and change, and refrain from wearing those items to school again. 

Sixth Form Dress Code

Female Students:

  • Smart Blazer
  • Blouse or plain smart long-sleeved top
  • Smart skirt, tailored dress, or smart tailored business style trousers
  • Leather shoes that take polish - no boots allowed
  • Jewellery must be discreet, with minimum facial piercings.
  • Distinctive hairstyles are not considered acceptable. Hair styles should be smart and formal.

Male Students:

  • Smart Blazer
  • Smart Trousers
  • Smart shirt (tie optional)
  • Shoes that take polish
  • Distinctive hairstyles are not considered acceptable. Hair styles should be smart and formal.

Make-up should be discreet and natural-looking.