"A day without prayer is a day without blessing - and a life without prayer is a life without power"
- Edwin Harvey
Prayer is central to the daily activity of each person within the Gumley community. However, saying a prayer is not the same as praying. At Gumley prayer is reflected upon, understood and meant. A variety of different styles of worship is made available to our students to allow the widest possible experience of the breadth of Catholic prayer and worship. |
Prayers of the Week (Staff Use) | Daily Prayers and Guided Reflections |
Every morning begins with prayer for students. Staff also start each day in prayer either as a whole staff or in year teams. We pray for the intentions of the world, our school and our own needs. Our vibrant assemblies are focused on deepening our relationship with God, provided by the Headteacher, Senior Leaders, Heads of Year, Sixth Form Leadership Team or delivered by Tutor Groups themselves. Scripture and prayer are central to each assembly given.
Mass takes place at regular intervals throughout the year as does the Service of Reconciliation. Every year group experience a day of retreat each year where students get the opportunity to reflect on their lives and explore their faith in a peaceful friendly and supportive environment. 'Bethany' is used regularly by staff and students as a place of calm and quiet which makes it an ideal space for not only prayer and meditation, but also for reconciliation and personal reflection. It is hoped that it is seen as an inclusive and welcoming ‘Sacred Space’ for staff, students and families of all faiths.
During Advent and Lent, all students take part in Liturgies which helps them to focus on these important Church seasons, and allows them to reflect on their readiness for Christmas and Easter. Similarly at the end of the Spring Term, students from across the school deliver a Holy Week Liturgy to each year group. This draws together the musical, dance and dramatic talents of our students.
Daily Prayer Resources: