Gumley House School FCJ

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Parents Association

The Gumley House Parents’ Association

Hello and welcome to our Parents’, Teachers and Friends Association page (PTFA).

The Parents', Teachers' and Friends Association (PTFA) is a group of parents and teachers who support the school community in many and varied ways, sometimes by helping raise much needed funds and other times by offering practical help, such as assisting at school functions and organising the second-hand uniform sales.

We are a friendly bunch and are always on the lookout for more pairs of helping hands. We are also always looking for people who may have a special skill which they could bring to the table – does your company operate a matched charity giving scheme, could you provide something for any of the fundraising raffles, would you like to suggest and help run a fundraising event which we have yet to think of? 

We have a number of key events throughout the year which really brings the Gumley community together, particularly at Christmas and in July through our fundraising fairs.  Every parent/carer in Gumley is a member or the PA and we encourage as many as possible to come and join us at our meetings and events.

How you can help?

Come and join us!

We meet occasionally on the lead up to key events in the school's Conference Room to progress our fundraising projects.  If that sounds like hard work, it’s not!  We do have fun and it does give you a chance to meet other parents/carers.  If you’re not sure about the PTFA, why not come along to one meeting just to see what you think?  Our meetings last around an hour and are usually attended by Mr Byrne – Headteacher.  

Why not help out at events?  Even if you don’t want to become a committee member, we can always use help from a willing pair of hands.  Most of our work is around event-management, so we organise fundraisers, parent/carers events and the Christmas and Summer Fair.  Maybe you would like to help out with doing the teas and coffees at some of our events.  We would appreciate any offers of help. 


Please do join our cashback scheme.  This is for anyone who shops online. Gumley is registered as a cause and every time you shop online Gumley benefits by receiving a percentage of what you have spent. A number of top retailers and supermarkets are involved with this scheme. The important thing to remember is that there is absolutely no cost to you but every time you shop - Gumley House and your child will benefit.

Please register now at:

Gumley Fundraising Page

Gumley is a wonderful school doing wonderful things for our children.  We feel strongly that we too can do our part and give something back.  I hope you feel able to support us in any way you can.  At the end of the day, it is our children who benefit from the improved facilities and items that can be provided.

If you would like to get involved with your PA please email us at 
Please note: this email address is monitored by the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association only.  For any daily school related queries, please use

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events.