Gumley House School FCJ

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InterClimate Network Hounslow Conference​​​​​​​

Students Step Up to UN Global Climate Debate

The Paris Agreement: InterClimate Network brought together students from numerous Hounslow schools, their combined remit was to assimilate the UN Climate Conference delegation, in discussing progress towards the Paris Agreement.

COP25: This event was strategically timed pre the December 2019 UN Climate Change Conference, (known as COP25).

Gumley’s team represented Indonesia: With other schools taking on the case for different countries, from Fiji to the USA. Our team of Year 8, 11 & 13 students form part of our school’s Eco Club.

Gumley Team preparing their case
Gumley Team preparing their case

Councillor Katherine Dunne, one of the panel members: Students diligently prepared for the day, ensuring they were well equipped to present their country’s aims & goals in front of the panel

Each Gumley member was brilliant, with the team clearly communicating Indonesia’s plans for improved climate sustainability, whilst very professionally negotiating alliances with other international territories.

The brief addressing future improvements

The UN student delegation had to consider: Level of progress since Paris 2015 and how current targets could be exceeded. To increase global cooperation, students had to factor in issues from; funding to sharing resources such as technology.

Richard Usher of Just Ideas Sustainable Solutions Ltd, tasked students to further assess improved outcomes relating to 3 themes; Cities, Forests & Oceans.

Each country briefed to state its proposals
Gumley's Team representing Indonesia

Introduction to Local Action: This market place enabled students to explore organisations with local community initiatives that focussed on: Energy, Food & Food Waste, Travel and Transport, What we buy and use.

London Borough of Hounslow's Transport Team
Food Ethics Council
Humanities Education Centre (HEC)
West London Waste Authority

InterClimate Network is a charity that inspires and enables young people to consider climate sustainability to be one of their priorities in planning their careers and lives.

The Paris Agreement:

Well done Team Indonesia.