Day 7 of the MEP China Trip
Surprise Shopping Day!
A highlight of the day was a surprise shopping trip which provided us a chance to see the Chinese daily life.
Singing a Farewell Song
We spontaneously sang ‘Party in the USA’ to say farewell to our Chinese teacher Ms Ding and our Chinese peers. Singing a farewell song together was very moving and so many of us nearly started crying! Ms Ding enjoyed teaching us and loved us.
Photography Competition
Many of us competed to capture the beauty and landscape of China with many Gumley girls receiving gifts for 1st,2nd and 3rd such as Tamara Zelinska (first place).
After enjoying each others company for 10 days, we exchanged gifts with our lovely Chinese peers and teacher to show our gratitude and appreciation.
Overall, today was an emotional day where we sadly had to say goodbye to our Chinese friends and teacher, we will miss them so much!