Leadership that makes a difference.
At Gumley House we provide students with opportunities to take on various leadership roles throughout their time at the school, allowing them to develop important skills and contribute to the development of the school. The leadership opportunities for students include the following:
- Head Students and Deputy Head Students (Year 13)
- Liturgy Committee
- House Captains
- Student Ambassadors
- Mentors
- Reading buddies
- Joining a student group
- Organising a charity event.
Each of the roles available offers girls an opportunity to take on positions of responsibility, serve others and share skills and talents. Leadership skills are developed and girls become active and responsible citizens who are inspired to make a positive difference.
Sixth Form Student Leadership Structure
How it Works
Our Student Leadership Team is made up of Year 13 students who act as voice for the student community, help run student activities and represent the school at various events. Older students are expected to be role models for younger students in the school and to support them in their learning and wider development.
Student Voice
Students are given ownership of their learning and opportunities to make a difference to their school life, providing feedback to the Senior Leadership Team on a number of initiatives.
Students take on positions of responsibility, mentoring younger students, running clubs and insert more examples. They also service the local community through a variety of volunteer roles in local schools, care homes etc.
Students are tasked with selecting charities and arranging fundraising activities to help a range of local, national and international charities.
Eco club
Students can lead on the development of the school’s initiatives on recycling, energy and efficiency.
Student Senior Leadership Team (Student SLT)
In addition, we have a Senior Student Leadership Team, comprising of student leaders from our Sixth Form who all have unique roles, including Head Girl and Boy, Heads of Sixth Form, Heads of School Council, Heads of Liturgies, Heads of Sport and Heads of Learning. These meet regularly with the Headteacher to discuss the development of the school.
The Student SLT have been an integral part of the development of the Sixth Form renovation project (and even chose all the colour designs). They have also contributed to Staff Recruitment and Charity fundraising.