Gumley House School FCJ

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Catholic Life of the School

Gumley House School FCJ is a Catholic school, rooted in the teachings, rituals and ethos of the Church. We are also an FCJ school (a school within the religious order, the Faithful Companions of Jesus).  Whilst being truly catholic, we welcome and nurture pupils of all faiths and backgrounds. The Governors and staff at Gumley House  School are committed to building and strengthening the Catholic ethos of the School, developing every individual and allow them to grow in God’s spirit.  This is further articulated in our Vision and Values.

To explore more about the Catholic Life of Gumley House, download our introductory booklet below or view online here:Catholic life at Gumley House 

Prayer and Liturgy Policy

Gumley House is a warm and welcoming community which recognises
the gifts and talents of each individual pupil.
(Diocesan Inspection Report)

The ethos of our school is one which is passionately Catholic and seeks to instil in students a love of God and neighbour.  We believe our motto ‘Vive ut Vivas’ or ‘Life in all it's fullness’ can only be achieved when Jesus is at the centre of our lives.

At Gumley House we strive to ensure that the values of respect, understanding, affection and humour imbue all of the work which we undertake as a community. All students participate in the social action and charity work of the school. All students attend Mass throughout their time at Gumley House, and pray together daily.  We try to live as Jesus would want us by showing the personal qualities of caring, sharing, love, trust, honesty and mutual respect. We strive to make our school community one in which everyone is valued and seen in the image of Christ. We aim to be a welcoming school and part of the wider community.

The school’s strong Catholic identity permeates all aspects of the learning environment
(Diocesan Inspection Report)

Our latest Diocesan inspection evaluated the Catholic Life of the school, the provision and quality of collective worship, as well as all areas of RE.  This inspection process helps ensure that all Catholic schools continue to develop in order to fulfil their mission of making Christ known.  The judgements made on both the Catholic life of the school and our Collective Worship were outstanding.

Catholic Life and Mission

Assemblies and Liturgies

As well as marking the major liturgical events and seasons of the year, special Masses are also held each year, including a Welcome Mass for new students and their parents/carers and a Leavers Mass for Year 13 students and their parents/carers.

Year assemblies, led by either the Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership team, are held each week following the school’s liturgical calendar.  There is a wide variety of celebration depending on the time in the liturgical year.  Throughout Lent and Advent, year groups have liturgies based on the particular season. Other regular areas of focus include assemblies and liturgies based on RemembranceHolocaust Memorial DayMental Health Awareness, and other themes.  In addition, outside speakers from various charities and organisations, such as CAFOD, are invited to present assemblies, often linked to special projects or fundraising.

Pastoral Care

We pride ourselves on the way we care for our pupils and in turn, the way they care for one another. The needs of each pupil are at the heart of our provision with different teams of staff taking responsibility for different aspects of this work, whether it be supporting learning needs in the classroom, supporting home in dealing with challenging situations, supporting families into ensuring pupils attend school regularly in order to make the most of their God-given talents or the simple day to day support around friendships and other aspects of life.

Religious Education (RE)

It is our intent through our Religious Education curriculum to engage, inspire and challenge our students. While having a focus on the Catholic faith, we aim to raise awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them. Through our RE lessons, students will learn how to critically evaluate a range of topics and issues, develop skills in considering evidence and structuring an argument. It is our aim to ensure students receive stimulating and engaging lessons.

Our bespoke lesson delivery is fully mapped and guided by the Curriculum Directory, published by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW).

RE Curriculum Directory

Teaching and Learning

As well as our comprehensive Religious Education provision, our approach is to teach new knowledge and new skills within a faith-filled framework which gives our young people a context for the things they learn. In addition, all students have a Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) lesson each week in which Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC) themes are the backbone of this programme.

Serving our Community

At Gumley House School, we aim to serve our school, local, national and international community in a number of ways. These activities are fundamental to Catholic education and core to Catholic discipleship. We encourage students to participate in a range of activities that embodies our distinctiveness as an FCJ Catholic school.

Throughout the school year, we invite and encourage our pupils to pray for, and to actively support, those in need. We send food parcels to those in need, particularly at Christmas, supporting local charities such as Shooting Stars, Mary's Meals, De Paul UK, Atfield House Care Home, etc. Other appeals and events take place as need arises, and we are proud of the generosity shown by our school community.

In addition to fundraising, students regularly have the opportunity to meet with those in position of responsibility in our community, giving them the chance to discuss current issues and to question policy and practices. In recent years visitors include: local Hounslow MPs, business leaders, representatives of national charities, and others.