Promoting British Values
As an FCJ school, British Values are at the heart of the curriculum at Gumley House. We believe that in promoting our Catholic Values, we cannot fail to promote ‘British Values’ of respect for the law, democracy, equality and tolerance of different faiths and religious and other beliefs. We are all created equal in the sight of God and we teach that all should contribute to the common good; other faiths are accorded full respect.
“What we are called to respect in each person is first of all his life, his physical integrity, his dignity and the rights deriving from that dignity, his reputation, his property, his ethnic and cultural identity, his ideas and his political choices. We are therefore called to think, speak and write respectfully of the other, not only in his presence, but always and everywhere, avoiding unfair criticism or defamation. Families, schools religious teaching and all forms of media have a role to play in achieving this goal”
(Pope Francis, 2013)
The Government emphasizes that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools. The government set out its definition of British values in the ‘Prevent Strategy’ – values of:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs ‘Prevent Strategy’
The school holds that the ‘British values’ in question are a subset of, or continuous with, broader liberal democratic values shared by many globally. The school promotes a wide range of activities within the National Curriculum and beyond to secure such outcomes for children. The menus below outlines samples of when and where such British Values are shared. The list is not exhaustive, and represents only some of what we do.
For further information on when these values are practiced and studied, see below:
Protected Characteristics
An understanding and respect for democracy and social justice is nurtured throughout all keys stages of our community both through the curriculum we offer (particularly RE, PSHE and our PD Tutor Programme) and extra-curricular events . Pupil and parent voice plays a key role in the direction of our school improvement policies.
- Our Politics Department (working with PSHE, registration and assembly times) coordinated a General Election campaign and students had the opportunity to vote in the Gumley Election. (View our students' General Election results)
- Our community has a school council elected by students which meets at regular intervals to discuss issues with the school leadership.
- Our community has received visits from our local Member of Parliament.
- Our community has offered the opportunity for students to visit the Palace of Westminster for a guided tour and educational workshop. This is coupled with events throughout UK Parliament Week and with our Debate Society.
In History they make comparisons between the electoral system of the 19th Century and the present day and have to run their own 19th century election campaign.
There are many opportunities for the students’ voices to be heard within the school community, including our termly whole school Learner Voice forum.
The Sixth Form have hustings for the appointment of the Head Girl and Senior prefects, the students views are elicited, these and the views of the staff and the interview panel feed into the appointment process.
As a school we are a member of the Jack Petchey ‘Achievement Award Scheme’, this provides students with the opportunity to vote for students who have made great achievements not just inside but also outside of the classroom. The students elected to receive the award can then decide what the money will be spent on. Previous winners have bought resources for the 6th Form, materials for our music department and to lessen our plastic use and enhance recycling.
Annually Year 10 also takes part in the Jack Petchey ‘Speak Out Challenge’ this is the largest speaking competition for young people in the world and contribute to the Young Reporter Scheme where students have an opportunity to contribute their research and views, and write for a real live online newspaper.
We do these things because we want to help young people raise their aspirations, believe in themselves and make a contribution to their society.
Rule of law and Individual liberty
Students at Gumley House learn about the Rule of Law throughout the year when reflecting on our school values and through our assemblies, but these values are also embedded in our curriculum (in PSHE, for example) when students learn (each year at an age appropriate level) about the role of Parliament, Laws and why we have them. These values are lived through our RE and PSHE curriculum but also in History where students learn about the Suffragettes and our RE curriculum often focuses on moral choices which enables students to develop their understanding of the rule of law.
Students learn about extremism, consent and key issues such as County Lines, drugs and Personal Safety or Domestic Violence through visiting speakers from the Metropolitan Police, charities (such as Daniel Spargo-Mabbs foundation) and the NHS.
Our Catholic ethos leads us to value each individual as a child of God. It is important therefore that as a community we encourage our students to be independent learners and that they have the freedom to make choices and form opinions in a safe nurturing environment. Students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through our exploration of E-Safety and their tutor time activities. Our community is proud that students having been are taught about personal freedom and are taught how to use these to the best effect choose to support charities, support the learning of other students or contribute to our community and local area in a positive manner.
Individual Liberties are taught through our FCJ values of Justice, Dignity, Companionship, Hope, Excellence and Gentleness. Students learn about identity from year 7 and revisit the concepts of their identity each year in their PSHE and Tutor Time Personal Development sessions. Our behaviour policy is clearly stated in the school diary and establishes a clear use of rewards and sanctions, students are encouraged to behave positively by all staff and this is reinforced by the pastoral system and through the assembly programme.
Mutual Respect
Mutual respect is a key element in our understanding of being an outstanding Catholic and FCJ community. The respect individuals have for one another in our community allows our learners to flourish in a safe nurturing environment. Therefore the need to respect oneself and others is constantly reinforced in every subject area of the school. Respect and tolerance of others is promoted through assemblies and form time. All of our school staff also fully understand the need to promote the behaviours needed to form positive relationships and constantly model these behaviours for our students.
- Form time and assemblies reinforce the need for mutual respect.
- Collective worship held in school often focuses on the need for mutual respect.
- A positive behaviour policy is in place in order to establish clearly to students, staff and parents that there is an expectation of mutual respect in our community.
- Our students welcome our visitors and conduct tours for applicants to the school.
Mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Students are encouraged to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those working in the locality of the school and to society. Students do this through their year groups and tutor groups, through their outreach at local homes for the elderly and through the many fundraising activities held throughout the year. During Lent the students raise money for FCJ charities in the Philippines and local charities. Students are also encouraged to reflect on their beliefs during their annual retreats (each year group).
We annually send a group of 6th Form students to assist pilgrims in Lourdes and they share their experiences with the school community through assemblies. The student ‘buddying’ programme assists students in year 7 (and across other year groups where needed) are paired with a ‘buddy’ in the Sixth Form who they can go and talk to whenever they wish.
Tollerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
As a Catholic students within our community are rightly taught the beliefs of the Catholic Church found through Biblical scripture and the Catechism of the Church. However, students are taught that we live in a culturally diverse society and there is therefore also a focus on the beliefs of others in order to provide a broad and balanced learning experience. When moral issues are raised in Religious Education alongside learning the teachings of the Church students are challenged to examine issues from different viewpoints including the view of those with other religious belief and from a non-religious view point.
- Although a Catholic school, our KS3 students cover topics including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam; studying their practices and beliefs
- In KS4 students are expected to know both Christian and Jewish viewpoints concerning modern ethical issues as part of the GCSE syllabus.
- Students are able to celebrate their religious festivals with other friends and students in the school (such as Eid and Divali).
- Our vibrant and diverse community is celebrated through our school annual events, such as Black History Month Celebrations, Culture Day and our charity events.
Our Lenten Project incorporates all students in school to raise funds for our annual trip to Lourdes where our Sixth Form students volunteer to help the disabled in France.
Our Heads of Diversity Sixth Form Leaders work closely with our Chaplaincy to celebrate all faith. Students are encouraged to come to school in their Diwali or Eid celebration outfits.
Our Language Department celebrate home languages through the Language Festival as an annual event for KS3. -
We run Spanish/French/Italian exchanges and conduct international visits, including China, so that the students can experience the life/culture of other countries and, as previously mentioned, our draw on our links with FCJ Sisters around the world.
Whilst we promote British values within the school community, we reserve the right to actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views. We have an Equalities Policy, encompassing Disability, Race and Gender that has been ratified by the governors, this policy recognises and respects diversity, clear guidance is given about how to deal with prejudice related incidents.